Trust, by Verify
---Ronald Reagan
Is there a ‘New Significant Other' in the life of your former spouse
that could change your Support / Custody Orders?
Are you about to participate in Custody Mediation?
Has your Former Spouse introduced a
'New Person' into your Children's life?
- What do you know about this ‘New Found’ person?
- Are they providing transportation for our child?
- Is the person a Licensed Driver?
- What is their driving record like?
- Do they have car insurance?
- Do they have Domestic problems from a prior relationship(s)?
- Do they have a criminal past?
- Do they have Drug or Alcohol problems?
- Do they owe past child or spousal support?
- Is this person employed?
- Are they a registerd sex offender?
- Do they have children of their own from a prior relationship(s),
with problems that could affect your child(ren)?
Are you owed back Child Support or Spousal Support?
Our team of Investigators, along with our
Registered Process Servers, can assist your attorney with:
Wage Garnishments / Bank Levys
Seizing Personal Property - Boats, Vehicles, etc.
Locating Bank Accounts
Discover Undisclosed Income
We Can Help!